Podping report for the last day
Podping urls are 'custom json' posts on the Hive.io block chain
domain url count url/minute share (%)
com.buzzsprout 7437 5.1 53.0
fm.transistor 2242 1.5 16.0
com.rss 1943 1.3 13.9
fm.captivate 369 0.3 2.6
news.tren 262 0.2 1.9
com.mrhelstein 235 0.2 1.7
fm.podserve 235 0.2 1.7
com.ewsradio1620 106 0.1 0.8
com.slightlyunbalanced 95 0.1 0.7
dev.amperage 86 0.1 0.6
com.newsradio923 61 0.0 0.4
com.elevateoutsourcing 58 0.0 0.4
ocalhost 38 0.0 0.3
com.learninghackpodcast 28 0.0 0.2
de.wieser-glaubenundleben 28 0.0 0.2
com.annabelle-m 27 0.0 0.2
local.smetalks 26 0.0 0.2
jp.ever 22 0.0 0.2
net.febcmedia 17 0.0 0.1
com.sextoanillo 16 0.0 0.1
dk.ddig 16 0.0 0.1
uk.centrechurch 16 0.0 0.1
br.com.portalondasul 15 0.0 0.1
com.myftpupload 15 0.0 0.1
nu.avisen 15 0.0 0.1
Total urls posted is 14262 of which 6563 are unique (average of 3.25 urls/post) All other "custom json" hive post count is 2375799 (1635.16 posts/min) Podping portion of all "custom json" posts on hive.io is 0.1841% #podping #Stats