Podping report for the last day
Podping urls are 'custom json' posts on the Hive.io block chain
domain url count url/minute share (%)
com.buzzsprout 14533 10.0 59.9
fm.transistor 3250 2.2 13.4
com.rss 2971 2.0 12.2
fm.captivate 857 0.6 3.5
fm.podserve 388 0.3 1.6
news.tren 286 0.2 1.2
com.mrhelstein 231 0.2 1.0
com.slightlyunbalanced 96 0.1 0.4
dev.amperage 88 0.1 0.4
com.newsradio923 74 0.1 0.3
com.speakfreeradio 46 0.0 0.2
ca.shinymewy 38 0.0 0.2
com.radioecclesia 33 0.0 0.1
net.bayvoice 31 0.0 0.1
com.livewriters 30 0.0 0.1
local.odcast 30 0.0 0.1
press.ireporter 30 0.0 0.1
dk.ddig 27 0.0 0.1
dk.fredericiaavisen 23 0.0 0.1
it.radioelleuno 23 0.0 0.1
nu.avisen 21 0.0 0.1
de.wieser-glaubenundleben 20 0.0 0.1
digital.elagora 20 0.0 0.1
com.sextoanillo 19 0.0 0.1
com.alifaliffm 18 0.0 0.1
Total urls posted is 24669 of which 11830 are unique (average of 4.99 urls/post) All other "custom json" hive post count is 2340568 (1612.13 posts/min) Podping portion of all "custom json" posts on hive.io is 0.21079% #podping #Stats